Revamped Bicycle Maintenance Offer

TDEG’s Cycling Group is joining forces with Tideswell’s very own bike shop, Peak Tri Store (Unit 7b, Meverill Road), to offer a new and improved format for our Bicycle Maintenance Club. From Saturday 2 December 2023, bicycle maintenance sessions will be held at Peak Tri and have the following 2-part structure, to offer you both:– […]

Tideswell HEAT Hub

Do you want to find out how to improve energy efficiency in your home, save money and keep warm? Come along to the Tideswell HEAT Hub on Saturday 11 November. More details below. You can book on the event by clicking HERE .   Or find out more about the HEAT Hub HERE.

TDEG Newsletter – September 2023

Dear TDEG Friends – Autumn is now well and truly here, after a summer of bizarre and extreme weather, with some truly shocking consequences for communities around the globe. Other countries are increasingly active in developing green energy projects and ways of protecting biodiversity. So it is particularly disappointing that the UK government appears to […]

TDEG Committee – Notes 27-9-2023 –

Date & time 27.9.23 @19:30 ACTIONS/NEXT STEPS Chair Andrea Note taker Bill Attendees Andrea, Bill, Helen, Jules, Kelda, Laura, Lynn, Rob Ensure Helen on committee circulation list Apologies Sue Mins of last meeting Approved? Andrea Matters arising? AGM matters Actions from last meeting Included in the agenda Chair update Sue sent apologies Treasurer Laura Started […]

International Repair Day – 21 October 2023

International Repair Day is celebrated every year around the globe.  This year the Tideswell & District Repair Café is joining the celebrations.  So save the date – Saturday 21 October! The 2023 theme is “Repair for Everyone”. Repair and reuse are central to achieving a truly circular, less wasteful, economy. They help to tackle climate […]

Kate’s and Ethan’s Meadow

A protected wildflower meadow in a local nature reserve Why are we doing it? It’s a fact that’s now often repeated that we have lost 97% of our wild flower meadows since the Second World War (Professor John Rodwell 1980). This statistic was given in 1980s and there is concern that even more has been […]

TDEG Annual General Meeting 28 June 2023

Our AGM was held on Wednesday, 28 June, 7.30pm, in Fountain Square Church. The short AGM was followed by a presentation from the Travelling Light project. The AGM notes below do not contain full names. If any member would like a copy of the notes with full names, please contact us ( . TDEG AGM […]

TDEG Annual Report 2022-23

Our Annual Report celebrates all the activities undertaken by our project groups and their work with a wide range of partners in our local area, over the last year. Find out about the great initiatives from our new Cycling Group; the continuing success of the Repair Cafe; our work with local schools; activities to enhance […]

TDEG Committee Meeting 14.6.23

Attendees: Sue, Jules, Rob, Bill, Helen, Deborah Apologies: Lynn, Andrea, Sheelagh, Suzanne, Laura   ANNUAL REPORT Sue said how impressed she was with Lynn’s report. She said that she had referred in her Chair’s message to ‘subgroups’, and that should be changed to ‘project groups’ to match what Lynn has written. She also felt her […]

TDEG Summer Walks 2023

Brimstone butterfly (Alison Rooke) Fragrant Orchid and Burnet Moth (Nicki Witham) Daubenton’s bat flying over water (photo – Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust) – Everyone is welcome on our summer wildlife walks. There is no charge, but booking is required so we can monitor and manage numbers, contact participants in case of emergencies, and ensure everyone […]