TDEG Committee – Notes 27-9-2023 –

Date & time

27.9.23 @19:30




Note taker



Andrea, Bill, Helen, Jules, Kelda, Laura, Lynn, Rob

Ensure Helen on committee circulation list



Mins of last meeting



Matters arising?

AGM matters


Actions from last meeting

Included in the agenda


Chair update

Sue sent apologies




Started applying for Co-op bank

Unrestricted funds have come in via the Repair Cafe and tree fund. Unrestricted reserves total £1700

Laura: Apply Coop bank after check with Friends of the Earth (FoE)



No volunteer for the secretarial role at the moment. Currently covered by:

Andrea ~ email in-box

Lynn ~ event dates on website,

A volunteer ~ notes of meetings

All: Please tell Lynn if you want dates putting on the website



Lynn, Helen & Andrea are updating the website.

Facebook (Fb) page good for general things, Lynn ok to post, Fb has 300+ people.

Newsletter sent prior to committee meetings

Village Voice ~ send before 15th of a month

All: We can send Lynn items to put on TDEG Facebook or any updates and new pages for the web site.

All: Please send VV news items to Lynn before 15th of each month.

FoE feedback


Andrea attended online meeting in July.

Good round up of FoE activities in the region and more locally. Interesting speaker although not audible. Next meeting in November.

Andrea: Send details of next FoE meeting to request attendee.

Project groups


Bike Maintenance


Overview given of Bike Maintenance Club & repairs.

Repair Café (RC) ~ not great demand for adult cycle repairs. Adult bikes often specialist so difficult to repair.

Decided to focus RC on children’s bikes.

Repair café: Advertise repairing of children’s bikes

Climate Action


No project lead.

Eco-books to be bought for Bishop Pursglove School to value of £100 from funds transferred by Buxton Transition.

Andrea: Arrange eco-book purchases for BPS

Ethical Consumer (Jules)

Repair Cafe going well, everybody loves it.

Next RC 21st Oct, also International Repair day when promote repair and right to repair which can include signing a declaration. Could ask a range of political leaders: Neil, Simon, Sarah Dines. Jules to consider.

Jules: Consider inviting Neil Buttle to 21/10, and other political reps (possibly to sign the Restart Declaraion).

International Repair day promotion pack to Lynn & Carrie.


Vacant / Bill

Litter pick – Sun 5th November at 2pm. Discussed practicalities and advertising.

Neil Buttle grant of £50 ~ £30 for advert design.

Discussed printing posters, FoE insurance and risk assessment.

Potential for the litter pick to be a community event and to generate engagement with TDEG.

Rob: send Bill CVS details

Lynn: Advertise on website, and via Village Voice

Andrea: Advertise on Fb

Bill Contact FoE: insurance and Laura B: risk assessment

Laura: send Bill TDEG’s BACS details for DDDC to pay

Bill: Send Laura Matt’s invoice

Cloth Nappy library


Overview of Cloth Nappy Library given. Nappies are ready to be loaned.

Discussed promotion ideas. Posters in GP surgeries.

Poster design contact Matt Clark 07912 523313

Kelda: Promoting through DDDC.

Can send Lynn info for Village Voice by 15th of month & details for TDEG webpage



Tree planting:  5x landowners agreed to plant saplings also Parish Council on cemetery.

DWT involved with free trees from DCC million trees campaign.

£500 funds left from previous year, agreed now unrestricted funds. Could support school activities, such as:

  • National Education Nature Park: schools steward their estate. More info on the government web site here.
  • Field Study Council have good resources: tools, ID sheets, pooters to suck insects up.
  • Contribute to Forest school’s accreditation (for school staff or our volunteers).

Helen: to discuss National Ed Nature Park with BPS via governors if she can.

Andrea: discuss same with Litton School head teacher

Next meeting


Next meeting, Wed 25th Oct, (now changed to 15 Nov) Chloe Palmer, “How can we support our farmers to help nature recover?”

Discussed practicalities of the event.

We will also show the short “Hungry for Change” film before Chloe’s talk.

DWT will have a table ~ DCC Million free trees and Derwent Forest project.

Rosemary Furness got 50 farmers to sign up to White Peak Nature Recovery project bid.

All: arrive at 19:00 to set up

Jules: Refreshments

Lynn: promote ~ posters, VV, Fb, Rachel Metcalfe Farming Life Centre, Steve West, Peak Park circulation list.

Lynn to check tech needs with Chloe (particularly a speaker for the film).

Plan for future whole group meetings


Jan/Feb: Recycling/Waste management (Rob)

Include hard to recycle items.

Spring: Marketplace (Co-ordinated by Lynn)

Possibly at a weekend, different tables, drop in at any time and/or speaker: energy efficiency /recycling/ countryside in the spring?

Other ideas

~ Domestic Energy Efficiency (?Steve P of HVCA and Bill)

~ Community energy project, (ask Sheelagh)

~ Weekend afternoon, families, examples of what done in schools

~ Community Ranger

Rob: Enquire for recycling speaker

All: Consider the make up of a TDEG Market place

Andrea: Ask Sheelagh about community energy project and potential to speak

Advertising events

Banner: Generic eco TDEG banner. Could pay with unrestricted funds for design and banner.

Printing: Details of printing options given from Sheelagh.

Andrea: Liaise with Laura on banner and research possibilities

Pre-winter warmth project


Ideas needed – maybe more focussed on social engagement eg support Horse & Jockey food gathering in the warmth making soup.

Action: To discuss further at next meeting on request

Encouraging greater involvement in TDEG


– Community / TDEG Litter pick ~ an opportunity to engage with new people.

– TDEG Market-place event in Spring.

– Talks: Lynn spoke recently to Litton WI, received £50 ~ well done. Could suggest TDEG talks to groups. Lynn has a PowerPoint.

Lynn: update leaflet inc BMC and Cloth Nappy library


All: Offer to groups that we can give talks about TDEG


Thanks to Lynn for the excellent newsletter


Dates of next meetings

**Whole group meeting changed to 15th Nov**

Next committee meeting Jan 17th 2024 Date of Next whole group meeting Jan 31st or 7th Feb depending on speaker.

Next FoE meeting November 2023 tbc


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