TDEG Committee Meeting 14.6.23

Attendees: Sue, Jules, Rob, Bill, Helen, Deborah

Apologies: Lynn, Andrea, Sheelagh, Suzanne, Laura



Sue said how impressed she was with Lynn’s report. She said that she had referred in her Chair’s message to ‘subgroups’, and that should be changed to ‘project groups’ to match what Lynn has written. She also felt her introduction should be kept separate, and that it should be clear that it is Lynn who has written the report.

Action: Lynn to change wording of subgroups in report, and keep Sue’s message separate.

Everyone agreed that the report should be accepted.



It was agreed that the only vacant post that is the concern of the AGM is that of secretary.  

Action: Lynn to send out a reminder of the secretary vacancy with her notice of the AGM.

There was some discussion about the current structure of TDEG, and how that might need to evolve. Helen said it would be good to find a way of encouraging people to get involved without them thinking that they had to be involved in a big project. Sue said she felt it was very important to bring in people who might currently feel they did not have anything to offer. Rob said he thought the best way of getting people involved was through the appeal of the talks. It was agreed to discuss this at more length at another time.

Sue raised the possibility of having a formal vice chair role, but it was agreed to keep support for the chair at an informal level.

Organisation of AGM on 28th June:

It was agreed that the AGM part would take place in the first 15 minutes, followed by the speaker. Helen will check if the speaker needs equipment for her lap top, should she need to use the projector.

Tables and chairs to be arranged in cafe style, facing the front.

Action: All – anyone who can to arrive at 7pm to set up the room.

Helen to create a poster.

Deborah to ask Sheelagh if she would print the posters and six copies of the Annual Report.

It was suggested that some posters could be displayed at the Repair Cafe this Saturday. It was felt useful to have copies of the report at the AGM, which could go to the Library and/or the Repair Cafe afterwards.

Bill will take notes of the constitutional part of the AGM. Deborah to send Bill link to past AGM notes.

Refreshments: Jules to bring supplies from the Repair Cafe; Rob will bring oat and soya milk; Bill will bring dairy milk.

Helen and Sue to share the opening and closing statements.



Next event: Recovering nature in farming: Lynn has a speaker from Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, and a film.

Action: Lynn to liaise with the speaker, to agree a date (September/October).

Helen suggested an event to engage families, sharing what we do in schools, which would possibly be at a weekend. Bill said there is a school in Buxton that has won Eco Award.

Bill is doing a carbon footprinting exercise with Simon, the vicar, looking at the carbon emissions for the church. Because it is a very large building, with a very small congregation, it has a high percentage of carbon emissions. The church is working towards an Eco Congregational Award, which might be a topic for TDEG in the future.

Bill also said that he has £830 left over from the Warm Spaces project, which could be used for a pre-winter warmth project.

Litter picking: Action: Bill will organise the next litter picking, possibly in July. Jules has the equipment in her garage.

Rob: the Repair Cafe is about to spend £319 on a two day PAT testing course for Mike, one of the repairers.

Helen asked for help to raise awareness of the Bicycle Maintenance club, including distributing posters, some of which will be brought to the AGM. She is making a banner, and this led to discussion about TDEG having a generic banner, that could be used at different events.  Action: Bill will ask his son, who works at Buxton College Library, which groups there are interested in projects, and would consider making the banner for free.

Jules will discuss with Helen how the Bicycle Maintenance Club and the bike repairers at the Repair Cafe relate to each other.

Helen said there is going to be a new bike shop on the industrial estate, and her plan is for the cycling group to work in partnership with it. 

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