TDEG Committee Meeting 8 September 2021

TDEG Committee Meeting 

Agenda and Minutes 

Date & time Weds 8th September 2021  7:30pm ACTIONS/NEXT STEPS 
Chair Rob 
Minute taker Deborah 
Attendees Rob, Andrea, Laura, Sheelagh, Suzanne, Steve, Sue, Deborah   
Apologies Claire, Adam, Lynn   
Mins of last meeting Approved  
Matters arising  See Agenda Items  
Actions from last meeting  See Agenda Items   
Agenda item 1 (10 mins) 

Food Festival – Sat 11th Sept Preparations for TDEG stall: the stall is organised, and will be covered by Lynn (who is setting up), Claire, Nicky and Suzanne.  Any other volunteers would be appreciated.  The stall will be on Fountain Street, behind the toilets.  

Recycling facility at stall: there will be two bins, with posters on them, suggesting people recycle items.  Fifteen people have offered to pick up a bag and put it in their own blue bin.  Rob will set up and finish off.   

Agenda item 2 (10 mins) 

Chesterfield’s journey to Plastic Free talk to Whole group Weds 22nd Sept with Andy Shelton 

Thanks to Claire for organising this.  It is hoped that Jules will be able to set up a Zoom link.   

Rob to ask Jules if she is able to set up a Zoom link for the meeting. 
Agenda item 3 (5 mins) 

Finances update 

Income since last meeting:   

£300 has been given by Tideswell Parish Council to fund the bird feeders.  

£100 has been donated by TDCA towards the cost of printing leaflets etc for the Food Festival.   

£5 has come from a new member joining the Buying For Good group.  

Expenditure since last meeting: 

£15 for the Food Festival stall. 

£44 on stickers for Food festival  

Neil Buttle, Councillor, has £850 to spend by November, and is keen to receive a bid from TDEG.   Re setting up the Repair Café: Sheelagh reported that it costs £75 to join the Repair Network, the national body of repair cafes, which gives a basic tool kit, access to their insurance information, protocol and other resources such as suggested scripts about what cannot be fixed.  The Co-op Community Fund are willing to put £200 towards the Repair Café.  Jules has suggested asking Neil Buttle to match this £200, which would cover the £75.   Sheelagh also needs funding for £50 for the VAT on the Zoom Licence for the Youth Forum.   Sheelagh will fill in the bid form for £200 +£50  

Other funding ideas: Laura suggested having a sign or banner for TDEG with logo, that could be reused at events, and she was asked to make an initial enquiry into an appropriate supplier and costs.   












Sheelagh to submit bid to DDDC   


Laura to enquire about a TDEG sign 

Agenda item 4 (10 mins) 

Methods of communication 

Sheelagh wanted to avoid duplicating Deborah’s workload.  Deborah checks info@tdeg emails but these may have already gone to project group leaders anyway.  Deborah clarified that she only puts on events on the website that she is asked to by group members.  It was felt that it would be useful for Sheelagh to discuss with Claire whether there are any ways of simplifying communications.  


Sheelagh to discuss communications with Claire 

Agenda item 5 (10 mins) 

Next Whole group talk/meeting  

It was felt that Lynn’s suggestion of a talk about the release of beavers into Derbyshire was a good one.  Andrea suggested that the first 15-20 minutes of the talk could be aimed at young children, before going on to address older children and adults, and this was felt to be a good idea.  Laura suggested that the talk might also expand to talk about water voles, as they are local to our area. 

Provisional date: Wednesday 24th November (hopefully in Fountain Square Church, Covid permitting)  

There was a discussion about future meetings, and the suggestion of a talk by Surfers Against Sewage (SAS).  Laura has in the past heard someone from SAS speak at a meeting about plastic free Chesterfield.  Rob was asked to follow up the talk Andy Shelton is giving on 22nd September, to find out if he has a link with SAS. 


Rob to ask Lynn to organise a speaker.         




Rob to ask Andy Shelton re possible SAS link.  


List of current committee members:   The official committee comprises Lynn (chair), Laura (treasurer), Deborah (secretary), and Andrea (committee member). Rob will send this information to the bank, as part of the process of transferring the treasurer role to Laura.  

Sheelagh gave warm thanks to Rob for his work as treasurer.  

Sue: the Soroptimists have bought two trees at the Foolow Wildwood Project.  

Suzanne and Steve: the next litter pick will be on Sunday 17th October.  Sheelagh confirmed it will be covered by the insurance.  

Andrea: Zoom: Jules has talked to her employers, and can use their Zoom link, but she has to be at the meeting.  Rob and Andrea were able to use the link from their meditation group tonight, but it is not to be assumed that this will always be available.  

Andrea raised the question of introducing and thanking the speaker on 22nd September:  It was agreed to ask Claire if she will introduce the speaker, and Andrea will thank him at the end.    









Rob to ask Claire if she will introduce the speaker. 

Suggested items for next meeting   
Minute-taker next meeting Deborah 
Date of next meeting Wednesday 3rd November 


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