Home Meetings and Events TDEG meeting – How can we support our farmers to help nature recover?

TDEG meeting – How can we support our farmers to help nature recover?

TDEG whole group meeting – Everyone Welcome! 7.30pm, 15 November, at the FSC.

Chloe Palmer (local Farming & Environment consultant) will talk on “How can we support our farmers to help nature recover?”. Chloe will share examples and experiences from her work with farmers in the Hope Valley and elsewhere.

We will also show the short film “Save Our Wild Isles – Hungry for Change

Hungry for Change reveals the impact of our food system on nature in the UK and explores what actions businesses, employees, and farmers can take to reduce their impact. Hear from leaders in the food and farming community, including Henry Dimbleby MBE (Author of the National Food Strategy) Tony Juniper CBE (Chair, Natural England), Ken Murphy (Group Chief Executive, Tesco), Dame Sharon White (Chairman, John Lewis Partnership), nature-friendly farmers like Patrick and David Barker (Lodge Farm) and Neil Heseltine (Hill Top Farm) and others on how businesses can help solve critical issues in the food system and put nature at the heart of their decision-making.

(Attendance is free – although a small voluntary donation helps us to cover our expenses.)


15 Nov 2023


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Fountain Square Church, Queen Street, Tideswell


Tideswell & District Environment Group

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