Wildlife Group July 2020 Update

  • Swift Awareness Week – 27 June – 5 July. Covid-19 put a stop to our plans to have a swift spotting walk and picnic.  However, we have had swift reports from all over  – with real `nesting hot spots` up at Townhead and along Parke Road in Tideswell, as well as down at Cressbrook. No swifts have taken to our new nest boxes yet, but this was almost to be expected. Older swifts return to their previous nesting sites, and then newly fledged youngsters `prospect` for new sites before they leave on their long migration to Africa in July. Hopefully young birds will have seen some boxes they like, and they will return to the new sites next year.
  • Wild Flower Project– Following discussions in our wildlife group, Lynn presented some ideas to the June meeting of Tideswell Parish Council about encouraging wild flowers. Lynn explained that our wild flowers are in steep decline. Since the Second World War, a staggering 97% of wild flower meadows have disappeared, to the serious detriment of insects and other wildlife. But we can make a difference. As well as encouraging more wild flowers in our own gardens, we can improve our management of public spaces and roadside verges for wildlife too. Later in the summer, we intend to have a look around Tideswell, along with Parish Council members, to identify potential sites. If members would like to do something similar in other parishes in the area, let us know.
Wild flower meadow, Deep Dale
Wild flower meadow, Deep Dale
  • Hedgehog Street – following discussion on our TDEG Facebook page, we are thinking about how we can encourage more hedgehogs in Tideswell and the surrounding area. This might involve creating gaps in our garden boundaries and other activities. A good list of tips to help our hedgehogs can be found here. Please send us any ideas you have for a Hedgehog Street project in our local area (email: info@tdeg.org.uk) .

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