TDEG Steering group

TDEG Steering group (SG) notes 11.12.19 – Mid-term review

1. Attended: Andrea, Bill, Lynn, Richard, Rob, Sheelagh, Steve, Suzanne 

Apologies: Claire, Judy, Jules, Leonie, Sara, Sue.

2. Introductions: We welcomed Sheelagh to the group (and to Tideswell). During introductions Sheelagh outlined her experience with fracking and her grant successes such as with Lush.

3. Chair’s mid-term report

Lynn gave a recap of how TDEG started and its structure along with the numbers of people on our email list (93+) and Facebook group (62). She outlined the project groups and some of their achievements. Of particular note have been two successful litter pick sessions, the excellent talks from Faith Johnson from the Environmental Quality Mark (available to businesses in the Peak District), and John Ellicock from the Hathersage Swift Action Group. We undertook a well received wildlife survey, completed by around 80 people, over the summer. We are also developing a good relationship with the Village Voice team. The Recycling group led an excellent session with Tideswell cubs, which has produced some useful posters and material for leaflets on recycling within the area. The Recycling group have also had some notable successes with recycling crisp packets, IT equipment, and more general information shared via Facebook. The Ethical Consumer group also continue their good work via their associated Facebook page. All in all – it’s been a good six months. Lynn also thanked the other members of the steering group, and particularly the honorary officers for their work over this time.

4. Secretary’s report and role

Andrea led a discussion to agree the geographical areas that TDEG covered. We agreed that the boundary could be flexible enough to cover any area that offers representation.
ACTION: Contact members from Litton to enquire how they could be supported further to increase their involvement with the group (Andrea)

Andrea explained that the secretarial jobs done for TDEG fall into 3 categories:
1) Perhaps a traditional secretary role: organising meetings /taking notes /responding to emails 2) Membership secretary ~ at the moment all the emails are held by Andrea’s personal account. To increase the security of this personal information and to make it independent and accessible to more people it was agreed that the membership should migrate to an account attached to the proposed website.

ACTION: website brief to include holding the membership (Bill, Lynn, Richard)

3) Updates and communications ~ this role can stand alone to create the project group update summary to be sent out 2 weeks before whole TDEG meeting.

Andrea is to finish as secretary at the AGM in June. We agreed that all 3 roles above will be advertised when appropriate, but we should contact interested individuals in the mean time. ACTION: Contact Claire to see if she would be interested in the Communication role as Claire expressed an interest in a similar role earlier in the year. (Andrea)

5. Treasurer’s report

  •   Rob presented a summary of the current TDEG income and expenditure.

  •   A local Derbyshire Dales District Council project grant bid for £300 has been successful and is

    earmarked for litter picking equipment, recycling equipment hire, hall hire and speakers’

expenses. To be spent by March 2020 but hopefully some flexibility with that. Neil Buttle,

DDDC councillor has been thanked.

  •   Voluntary donations at the last whole TDEG meeting were sufficient to cover costs of the

    meeting. This hasn’t been the case previously. A person to meet and greet at the sign in desk

    almost certainly made the difference. We agreed to ensure this happens at every meeting.

  •   TDEG current balance is £332.40.

    6. Project Groups – only items that needed discussion or a decision with the Steering Group

    A. Climate group

 Andrea explained that the Climate Emergency group was viable although numbers are initially small. Suzanne thought there would be more interest if people weren’t attending other groups

ACTION: Future whole group meetings to have the opportunity for a half time swap. (Andrea)

 Andrea attempted to explain her vision that the link between the CE group and all the other groups was recognised. Everyone agreed that the project groups are all interlinked and we need to ensure we integrate our activities.

ACTION: Encourage all project groups to consider how their activities relate to the objectives of other groups, and in particular the Climate Emergency group.

 Andrea requested funding for the printing and distribution of a Climate Emergency Newsletter – this was agreed. Suzanne & Steve kindly offered to help with the distribution.

ACTION: Approach current publications that distribute locally and request cost of delivering our newsletter as well (as a possible alternative to hand delivery). (Andrea)

B. Recycling

 Rob reported that a recycling officer at DDDC was not in post. Richard offered to approach a DCC recycling officer to speak at the Feb 5th meeting. Bill had a possible `Plan B` on the climate emergency if this was not possible.

ACTION: Request a speaker for 5.2.20 (Richard)

 Rob outlined his plans for a recycling leaflet, partly designed with input from the Tideswell Cubs, which he planned to distribute to the Tideswell & District Community Association (TDCA) and all properties in the area. We agreed this was a great idea.

ACTION: Lynn to send the general TDEG leaflet to Rob for copying, to accompany the recycling

leaflet, for the TDCA.

 Rob gave an update on Reusable beer cups and enquired whether there were any green ethical companies locally to approach as possible sponsors. Plasma Coating were suggested. We agreed that Rob should pursue this on behalf of the group.

C. Wildlife group

  •   Lynn gave an update on progress on the swift project, including a proposal to bid for Peak District NPA community award funds. The SG discussed the proposed funding and award requested, and agreed Lynn should pursue the grant application.

  •   The issue of VAT implications of goods and services was raised.

ACTION – Lynn to check the timetable for the grant application and VAT implications, and to pursue a grant application if everything is satisfactory.

D. Litter pick

 Some dates will be decided for the end of Jan and end of Feb for the next litter picks

ACTION: Choose dates, advertise in the Village Voice and send to Andrea to advertise on the email list. (Steve)

7. TPC/TDEG Liaison

• This group are due to meet on 16.12.19 for the first time, and it is hoped to develop a working relationship with the Tideswell Parish Council to support environmental improvements and the development of a new Neighbourhood Plan.
• Lynn and Bill have some information from other parish councils (Holme and Hayfield are particularly good examples locally) to share at this meeting.

8. Media and Communications

Village Voice – the coverage of our work in the Village Voice was discussed with mixed reviews (e.g. a good summary of our update recently, but the climate emergency issue near the back). We agreed to continue to work on developing a good relationship with the Village Voice, but to pursue other media opportunities where appropriate (e.g. recycling and climate change leaflets).

Website – Lynn presented 2 anonymous rough quotes for a TDEG website.
The need for a website was discussed along with its value and uses. We agreed that a new web site did appear to be an important next step for the TDEG, but it was likely to take some months to achieve. Various potential grant bodies were also discussed.
ACTION: A more detailed brief of our web site requirements to be listed. Followed by more detailed quotes to be requested (including training), preferably from three local suppliers, if possible. (Bill, Lynn, Richard)

9. Meetings

Steering Group meetings: Andrea proposed that each month we alternated meetings between whole group meetings and SG meetings. This was agreed.
ACTION: A series of proposed dates for the coming year to be circulated for agreement (Andrea)

10. Any Other Business

Jules’ proposal to develop a more efficient way of working was discussed briefly (due to lack of time). We agreed this should be discussed fully when Jules was able to join us, and to attempt to select a date for the March SG meeting which Jules could attend.
ACTION: Write to Jules and invite to a SG meeting with a mutually convenient date (Lynn)

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