TDEG Committee meeting notes – 9 June 2021

TDEG Committee Meeting – 9 June 2021

Draft Minutes

1.Present: Lynn, Sue, Claire, Rob, Sheelagh, Suzanne, Jules (for item 4),

Apologies: Josie, Alice, Steve, Adam, Laura

2.Minutes of last meeting agreed. No matters arising not on the agenda.

3.Committee reports

a. Chair: 130 members on the mailing list, 170 on Facebook Group

Insurance – Sheelagh has confirmed that FoE insurance covers TDEG (unless activities are plus 100 people or unduly hazardous – when additional notice and risk assessments might be required. Suzanne explained that forthcoming litter picks can now be under the umbrella of Peak District NPA (they are planning 4 to 5 a year).

b.Secretary: We are still searching for a new secretary to replace Alice when she steps down. We now have an agreed four bullet points explaining the role.

Action – Lynn to approach a few possibles, FB, email, and send bullet points to all Committee. Everybody please spread the word. Claire volunteered to regularly check TDEG inbox in the meantime.


  1. The Treasurer proposed that the following amendments are made to the Tideswell & District Environment Group authorised signatories with Santander Bank: Rob is removed as a signatory and Laura is added as an authorised signatory. This was agreed by all present.
    Andrea and Lynn to sign minutes.
  2. Bulb energy link up and running, on website, via Julia. £50 donation into funds if anyone signs up using this route.
  3. Current account position – all healthy. CPYF – £96; BfG – £65 ; Sustainable Food Network – £86; Total £317 in general funds.
  4. Propose refund Sheelagh £25. Agreed.

Lynn thanked Rob for his seamless approach to finances.

4.Food Festival

 Jules confirmed the date of the Food Festival is 11 September. She explained that traders have already been asked to use eco friendly materials. TDEG stall could have a stall – £15 (9 x 5 ft) needs setting up before 10am, until 4pm – so rota required. Possible for each project group to have displays etc.

Lynn suggested plant swap stall, food map. Sue supported idea of a stall, good publicity. BfG Club fits remit. Agreed we would have a stall. Project groups could think about what items or activities they might want on the stall. We can liaise via email to share ideas, and provisional meet up in approx one month to create a plan. Date suggested 14 July provisionally.

Rubbish and recycling at the event- good reputation for collecting. Marshalls asked to monitor bins, sacks taken to Cherry Tree Sq, volunteers take sacks to tip. Recycling bins from DDDC carry a cost – might people bring own recycling bins? Labelled glass/plastic/ cardboard.

Rob has attempted to contact Bobby Dan (the new Recycling officer Derbyshire Dales DC). No reply so far. Suggestion to contact Neil Buttle as councillor, if a further approach fails again.

Given our TDEG sustainable food map, possible team approaching stall holders with ‘survey’ on the day? Promoting the opportunity to feature on the map, if criteria are met.

Actions: Project groups to consider items and activities for a stall, and any additional input into the day. Provisional date of 14 July agreed for a planning meeting. Jules to pass Rob’s and Lynn’s names on to the organisers to book the stall and pay invoice. Lynn to contact Adam and Laura concerning possible plant swap and sustainable food survey of stall holders.

5.Project groups updates – No specific updates this month, as summarised in the Annual report.

Updates –

CAG – CPYF first face to face action Sunday 13 June, linking with PDNPA and litter picking.

Rob – suggests `thank yous` and successes put together at start of the annual report, with the `how we work` info at the end.

ECG – Claire. Agreed with Rob’s suggestion.

Wildlife group – three new wildlife walks suggested. Swift Walk, Bug hunt  and bat walk later in the summer.

Lynn reminded project group leaders that if they wished to share their notes of meetings with all TDEG members, they can be added to the web site.

Action: Lynn will amend the draft annual report accordingly and circulate annual report 2 weeks prior to AGM, (so around 15 June).

6.AGM Plan –

Climate Pathfinders Youth Forum presentation on “Our future world – finding our way” followed by Katherine Clarke in a more interactive session.

Jules has agreed to organise Zoom link.

Business of AGM first, honorary officer positions, thanks and replacements; acceptance of annual report and any comments of questions. Hopefully all very brief.

7.Dates of next meetings

We agreed at last committee meeting to move to quarterly committee and whole TDEG meetings. This suggests something in September and then mid December (to avoid Christmas).

Agreed –

Committee meeting – 8 September

Whole group – 22 September

We’d like to return to meeting in person, but we need to see how the COVID-19 restrictions are going closer to the time. We discussed a focus on plastic free or other waste issues as the theme for the general meeting.

Actions: Claire to contact Greg Hewitt, Derbyshire Climate Coalition re Plastic Free status and establishing events calendar.

 8. Any other business

Rob: The Coop should be instating a recycling bin in all their stores. Rob encouraged everyone to enquire when we will be getting one in the Tideswell Store every time you go in, to show that there is a demand.

Sue: Food waste, new Coop employee, Lisa, keen to reduce food waste.

Action – Lynn to forward email to Rob.

 Meeting ended at 20.58pm

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