Tuesday 21 September 2022 7.30pm

Present: Laura S, Lynn, Jules, Deborah, Sheelagh, Andrea, Rob, Laura B, Helen, Bill

Apologies: Sue, Suzanne, Adam

Chair: Andrea

Notes of last meeting (18.5.22): approved.


a Jules reported that it will not be possible to find out if the library want to keep back copies of Ethical Consumer Magazine until its future is confirmed: carry forward

b Sheelagh and Sue have liaised about the safeguarding role for CPYF. Documents have been updated. Jules will give Sheelagh the name of another person who may be able to take on a safeguarding role.

c Lynn to suggest to Helen a maintenance session to the Beavers: done. Helen said it was felt that Beavers are too young for a maintenance session, but scouting leaders are interested in offering a cycling badge. She will look into the possibilities of funding for a professional to offer proficiency skills to the scouts, otherwise interested scouts could complete these elements at home. She has talked to Paul Hunt, who has previous experience in leading basic maintenance skills sessions for scouts, and it may be possible for one or more scouting leaders to attend the Cycling Launch on 8 October, for further conversations with Helen and Paul.

d Lynn to approach the Community Park about planting a tree for Claire: done. Lynn has spoken to Tideswell and District Sports Association, who manage the Community Park. They are very reluctant to have any tree or hedge planting whilst they review all access around the park. Helen suggested planting the tree in the Community Garden. Lynn will discuss this with Claire’s husband, John, and she and Helen will take it forward.

e Andrea to ask Sheelagh and Rob to ask Bill if they would like to be part of a vice chair group to support Sue: done. Neither Sheelagh nor Bill are able to offer this.

f Feedback on Annual Report to Lynn by 30 May: done

g Laura S to consolidate the three unrestricted funds into one: done

h Jules/Laura S to proceed with Answar insurance for TDEG/Repair cafe: done

i Helen to meet with Lynn re cycling group admin: done

j Lynn to call another Task Team meeting for the tree planting project: it has not been possible to arrange this yet. There is still £500 to spend, and if it is not used this autumn, it will be used in the spring. It is likely that the next tree planting will be targeted, possibly planting trees in the Cemetery. The Scouts are keen to help with the planting.

k Rob to send Lynn recycling update for website: done

l, m, n a, o re AGM on 15 June: done

p Jules to contact Restart Project re speaker for October meeting: done


Communication Officer: Lynn thanked Helen for taking on the cycling admin – Mailchimp and website page – so ably. Please could all project group leaders send any updates for their web page to Lynn. She asked that project group leaders check their membership lists before sending out emails, so that new members are tagged on Mailchimp to be included. There are currently 153 members on the list.

Lynn was thanked for the excellent newsletter that she has just sent out.

Secretary: no correspondence issues to report

Treasurer: no issues to report. Lynn has asked Hannah the Parish Clerk re the remaining £60 for bird feeders, and Hannah is happy for this to be transferred to other wildlife funds.


Climate Action Group:

Richard Dyer, the regional person for FoE, has invited TDEG to host United for Warm Homes. Sheelagh has discussed this with Sue, who has agreed it is an important campaign for TDEG to support and the committee agreed. Sheelagh will share the recording of the launch training she attended.

There will be a meeting at FSC on Thursday 27 October at 7.15, with access to the hall from 7pm. Other local groups will promote the event. The three main points of the talk will be:

(1 ) money is needed now to give immediate help

(2) homes need to be insulated, street by street, area by area, starting with those most in need

(3) the energy strategy needs to be reset in the long term

Andrea offered to publicise United for Warm Homes on Facebook, and circulate information on Mailchimp.

Richard Dyer wants to know approximate numbers attending, so the event will be advertised as bookable on Eventbrite. Lynn will set up the Eventbrite page.

Lynn will email TDEG members information about the whole group meeting on the 19th and this event on the 27th October together.

Richard Dyer will give a brief introduction, and then local groups and communities will speak, and say what they are doing. The meeting will then break into smaller discussion groups.

FoE are offering £500 grants, and it was agreed that Sheelagh should apply for one.

Helen will put Sheelagh in touch with Rachel R from the Tideswell Cares project. Sheelagh has already spoken to Carrie, and she will speak to Simon and Gillian.

Anyone who can help on the night – setting up the room, meet-and-greet at front desk encouraging donations, tea and coffee – to let Sheelagh know.

Bill outlined his plan for a Community Fuel Fund that would help vulnerable people with soaring energy costs. He proposes setting up a fund from donations from people who feel they don’t need all/any of the £400 the government will be giving every household. He suggests this would be for Tideswell, Litton and Wheston. The money would be held by Fuel Bank Foundation, who would distribute the money, sending it to a recipient’s energy provider. Applicants would be vetted locally by Bill, with some assistance. Rob and Laura S offered to help. The Parish Council support this plan, and would promote it. Lynn brought up the issue of GDPR.


Helen reported that the cycling maintenance kit is now in the Co-op. She is building the exhibition side of the launch event on 8 October, to include several firms offering e-bikes. Insurance is being provided by FoE.

Ethical Consumer Group:

Repair Cafe: Jules reported that it is going very well. They still have grant money of £1800, which will be spent on signage, and possibly a sewing machine that would sew leather and canvas. They have started knife sharpening. 

Buying for Good club: this is also going well, and there will be another delivery in October. The shop Day Zero in Buxton is looking for volunteers to help them.

Fiona Dear will be speaking at the whole group meeting on 19th October. Let Jules know if there are any particular issues that people would like to be addressed.

Litter picking:

Laura B is proposing 9th October as the next date for litter picking. This is Apple Day, and so Laura B will contact Josie, to see if the two events can be linked.

Wildlife Group:

Lynn may plan autumn tree planting or wait until the spring.

The Owl and Kestrel Project is going very well.

The badger cull has been extended into our area, which is causing strong feelings on both sides of the argument.


Remaking Paradise Environmental Banners

This exhibition will be held in the church from 27th October to 2nd November, 10 – 4. Deborah will re-send the rota to everyone. Everyone to then email with any availability to steward the exhibition. Deborah will collate the information, and send it to Gillian, copied into Sue.

On 2nd Nov Lynn will take the scouts to talk to Gillian about the exhibition. They will be scoring each banner on visual impact, clarity of message and creative use of materials.

Cressbrook Dale

Lynn and Jules met with Rachel Elnaugh, who has bought the area of land in Cressbrook Dale in order to farm it. Cressbrook village campaign against this remains active.

Room bookings

All project group leaders to liaise with Laura S as early as possible when they are booking space for their meetings, so she can earmark money accordingly.

To cover the cost of the hire of the hall, Andrea suggested that we always make it clear when advertising meetings that we are hoping for cash donations, or it was also suggested direct donations could be made to the TDEG bank account.  

It was agreed that the process for allocating money from the general fund is for the treasurer to email all the committee with the information.

Deborah to send Laura S a list of committee members.


It was agreed that we would only advertise TDEG meetings on the website and in emails. Facebook to be used to advertise meetings held by other groups. It was suggested that links to other organisations should be put on the website, and Lynn asked project group leaders to send the links of relevant groups to her, which she would then add to the website.

A friend of Sheelagh has donated a gazebo to the group. Sue to thank the friend, once it has arrived.


Jules has been speaking to Jill Turner, Financial Advisor, who specialises in ethical and eco friendly investments. She is willing to speak at our February meeting. It was suggested that we have an informal poll of people to find out their questions on investments.

Lynn suggested Rob Kenning, National Park Ranger, could be a speaker at a future meeting, to talk about the role of the ranger service, volunteering with it, and the redevelopment of Miller’s Dale Station.

It was suggested that she ask him about his availability in April/May.


Committee meeting – 11th or 18th January; Whole group meeting 8th or 15th February. Deborah to ask Sue which dates she prefers.


a (Library storing Ethical Consumer Magazine – Jules)

b Jules to give Sheelagh the name of another person who may be able to take on a safeguarding role

c Helen to (1) look into possibilities of funding for a professional to offer proficiency skills to the scouts, and (2) talk further to Paul Hunt and scouting leaders about leading basic maintenance skills sessions for scouts.

d Lynn will discuss planting a tree for Claire in the Community Garden with Claire’s husband, John, and she and Helen will take this forward.

e Lynn to progress the tree planting.

f All project group leaders to send any updates for their web pages to Lynn.

g All project group leaders to check members are tagged on Mailchimp before sending out emails.

h Sheelagh to share the recording of the launch training for United for Warm Homes campaign with everyone

i Andrea to promote United for Warm Homes on Facebook and using Mailchimp.

j Lynn to set up Eventbrite page for booking attendance at United for Warm Homes.

k Lynn to send out an email to TDEG members combining information about 19 and 27 October events.

l Sheelagh to apply for FoE grant for £500 for the United for Warm Homes campaign.

m Helen to put Sheelagh in touch with Rachel R.

n All: let Sheelagh know if can help on 27th October, eg with setting up the room, front desk, tea and coffee.

o All: let Jules know if there are any particular issues that you would like Fiona Dear to address on 19th October.

p Laura B to contact Josie re combining the Litter Pick with Apple Day on 9th October.

q Deborah to resend rota for Banner Exhibition. All to let Deborah know availability. Deborah to send the information to Gillian cc Sue.

r All project leaders to liaise as early as possible with Laura S when booking a room for a meeting, so she can allocate money.

s Deborah to send Laura S a list of committee members.

t All project group leaders to send links of relevant groups for Lynn to put on the website.

u Sue to thank Sheelagh’s friend for the gazebo, once it has arrived.

v All: find out the sorts of questions about investments that people would like Jill Turner to address.

w Lynn to contact Rob Kenning to find out his availability for speaking at our meeting in April/May.

x Deborah to ask Sue about the proposed dates for our next committee and whole group meet

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