
Litton School's Eco-council litter pick
Building a bird box ~ Together for our Planet project at BPS
The completed box ready for a tree in Tideswell
Tideswell's Emerald class creating a hotel for bugs
What did we do at Litton Primary School?
Litton School’s Eco-council

An Eco-council is now fully underway at Litton School. 

12 children from Reception to Y5 chose to attend the first Eco-council meeting of the new school year. This Autumn term the area of focus is Biodiversity taken from their Eco-School’s Environmental Review. 

Endangered Species

The Eco-council talked together about endangered species then told the group which species they would like to support. Although more exotic species were popular, hedgehogs received the most votes. The Eco-council are now researching hedgehog charities. They will also look at how to encourage hedgehogs then plan to share this information with their families and the community.

See details of Litton’s Eco-council from last year on their school website. This included a litter pick in the village playground, photo above. 

What did we do at Bishop Pursglove School?
What do bugs need?

Creating a bug hotel was the mission for Emerald class at Tideswell’s Bishop Pursglove’s School in June. Their warm up session was offered by TDEG’s Suzanne with questions and activities. Emerald class established that bugs need help to survive. They completed an activity matching different bugs to different materials which might be used in a bug hotel.

Excellent Bug Hotel Building

 Previously Emerald class had learned about building a bug hotel as part of writing instructions so they were fully prepared and excited to fill the bug hotel. See photo above. They used materials brought from home and materials offered by the community, including from members of TDEG.

Tideswell’s bugs should now have plenty of warm comfortable places to spend the cooler seasons. 

Earlier in the year…

We celebrated the completed children’s projects from the “Together for our Planet” course for the junior Eco-club.  See building of a bird box above and sowing wildflower seeds below.

Sowing wildflower seeds