Inaugural steering group meeting Tuesday 3rd July 2019 ~ The Star
Attended: Lynn, Jules, Andrea, Rob, Glenn, Sara, Bill, Richard, Josephine
Apologies: Claire
Copied to project leads not in attendance: Steve, Ben
1) Response to first meeting 19.6.19
- There was an extremely positive response to the first meeting with 30 attendees.
- Subsequent interest has continued with a total of 60 email addresses on our mailing list already.
2) Name of the group
- It was proposed that the neighbouring district was considered in the name.
- It was also proposed that our purpose was clear within the name to support grant applications.
- “Tideswell and District Environment Group” was proposed and accepted.
- It was suggested that we didn’t abbreviate the name of the group.
3) Logo
- Howard kindly sent a wide range of alternative logos which he offered to work on further
if requested. Thanks to Howard for his work.
- One option based on the design and colouring of Tideswell church clock was favoured with a
request to make it more visible. Further proof(s) to be circulated by email prior to the next steering group meeting.
4) Role of the steering group
- It was suggested that the steering group would be available to the project groups for support in
areas such as ratifying grant applications, publicising, coordinating and arranging events.
- Ideally, representatives of each project group would be on the steering group.
5) Constitution and committee
The group concluded the following roles:
Chair: Lynn
Secretaries: Andrea & Jules (Jules available from the Autumn) o Treasurer: Robert
Additional support available from
Bill offered to assist in drawing up a constitution and applying for a bank account
Sara and Josephine offered ad hoc help with marketing
Jules & Richard have experience of IT platforms that might be used by the project groups
6) Steering group meetings
- These meetings might need to be quite regular as the group sets up, perhaps every 4-6 weeks.
- As much as possible, correspondence and actions to be carried out by email or via
- Next meeting Wed 28th August The Star 7-9pm.
7) Umbrella group meeting for all projects
- These meetings might be 3-4 times a year.
- Next meeting Wed 25th September Fountain Square Church 7-9pm
- Project groups feedback (one hour in total, aim for 10 minutes each)
- Speaker (one hour) Invite Faith Johnson from Environment Quality Mark
- Only careful use of “reply to all” is requested to avoid overloading people’s in-boxes.
Neil Buttle, Tideswell District Councillor, spoke briefly at the meeting.
Thank you everybody for their contributions. A great start …….. Andrea 5.7.19
Below are some suggested actions that weren’t discussed at the meeting.
Please do let me know if there are actions that you would prefer not to do. Please contact me or the named people if you are able to help somebody else. Please let me know if I’ve missed something out! Thank you
Suggested actions
- Accept Peak Park’s invitation to attend YoGA day 13.7.19 Find out cut-off date for printing. – Andrea – soon
- Create flyer for YoGA day in time for Peak Park to print – Bill & Lynn – soon
- Simple display for YoGA day – Andrea – soon
- Interim logo for YoGA day – Howard – soon if possible
- Summarise steering group meeting ~ email whole group – Andrea – soon
- Short summary for the Village Voice about the setting up of the Tideswell & District Environment group – Jospepine by next copy date
- Draw up a constitution – Bill, Lynn, Andrea – July
- Research and apply for a bank account – Rob, Bill – July
- Research or recommend start-up grants – Suggestions from anyone, Bill, Richard, Jules – July/August
- Book The Star small room for 28.8.19 – Andrea – July
- Ask Faith Johnson to speak at an umbrella group meeting – Sara July
- Book Fountain Square Church main hall 25.9.19 – Andrea – July
- Short article to the Village Voice about the umbrella group meeting to be held on 25.9.19 – Josephine – Sept copy date
- Next phase for logo to be emailed – Howard for August steering group
- Discuss format of a Facebook page to represent the whole group with the 5 projects – Sara Contact Ben – for August steering group
- Estimate for IT platform/website to include in a start-up grant application Sara, Jules, Richard – for August SG meeting
- Advertise umbrella group meeting on our Facebook page and Tideswell People Unleashed Facebook page – Andrea -54,3,2 and 1 week before 25.9.19
Please do put forward items for the next steering group meeting 28.8.18. Suggestions so far include:
- Feedback from YoGA day
- Feedback on setting up the constitution and bank account
- Start-up grant application(s)
- Facebook page
- Twitter account
- …
- …